What We Offer

We capture the value and protect your investment

Features and Benefits

Tool Inventory and Appraisal System has been developed in response to demands from shop owners, commercial repair services, mechanics, technicians and tradesman; who want professional, accurate, detailed information that would help them protect their investment. Many of these retail and commercial enterprises and individual entrepreneurs would not be able to continue in business if their tools & equipment were damaged, stolen or destroyed.

There are many reasons why the Tool Inventory & Appraisal System is important in protecting your investment:

  • TIAS provides you with an updated inventory of all your tools
  • It provides an accurate value assessment of all shop equipment and tools
  • TIAS will help you determine if you are over or under insured
  • This will aid in speeding up the process expedite claims should you experience a loss
  • In case of fire or theft it will help establish missing tools or equipment
  • It provides proof positive of possession and ownership

Often tools are used in harsh conditions and are stored inappropriately. Many tools are also purchased over time to respond to changing technology and maintenance repair requirements. As a result tools become disorganized, lost, stolen or misplaced and should this scenario occur, the owner would have peace of mind knowing their investment is protected.